02 October 2010

The Month Coming

Well, I've been asking for it all September. Finally, it's October! And as I sit here thinking on the second day of this, my favorite month, I realise just how much is going on and how much I have to accomplish. I'm still in the process of packing and I have a long way to go. Before Thursday, there are a couple of oaths I need to fulfill. Likely, I'll work on one (or both) today. This Tuesday, I have a telephone interview for a job. I'm not usually good with interviews, so I'm a bit nervous. I'm hoping that I'll have some other interviews when I get into town next week.

Next weekend is Zombie Walk. It's my first one and I have to say, I am so excited! The first I'd ever heard of one was last year when some friends posted pictures. From then, I knew I had to go, so I decided I would make the trip this year. Who knew that I'd end up there permanently. Anyway, I've got my outfit prepared and I can't wait for the all day Z-fest. My love and I are going to have a fantastic time shuffling around and, of course, making people ill, since we'll be the loved up zombies in the corner ;) He's already said he'll tell people he wants me for my brains, but he also wants me for my body. I'm a girl who is a complete sucker for nerdy lines, so that was like he had written a sonnet for me.

Then, after spending a week relaxing at his house, we are going to drive to yet another state and attend my tribe's Winternights gathering. Initially, I was to be freed from Thralldom at this event. Things happened, my mentor left the tribe, and I was passed off to someone else. This new person, while being a really good person, is new to Thrall ownership. I've been given a reading assignment that I've been working on. My prior mentor was going in a completely different (and highly specific) direction with me, one that I'm going to need to continue on my own. There's going to be issues with people who love me if I'm not freed that weekend, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm still a bit numb about the whole thing with losing my mentor. He is (was?) one of my best friends and the things we were going to work on within the tribe are things that made me most interested in joining this particular group. I've since developed relationships with most of the rest of the members, but the study opportunities are no longer there. I do feel I should be freed, but my reasons are somewhat selfish. I was the first Thrall of the tribe, yet I'm the only one left still in Thralldom. The person who is my current mentor came in three months AFTER I did, and was freed within 5 months. He definitely deserved to be freed because he did a lot, but there are a couple of others whom I wonder about. I'm also ready to continue on to the next stage of involvement, whatever that may be. But on the other hand, I'm not completely sure about some things, so if I'm still a Thrall, there is less pressure to make those decisions right away. But as it also stands, I'm currently the only Thrall stateside (the other is in Afghanistan). I understand the reason behind this whole thing, and I accept it as a valuable part of the process, but I really would like to be freed. It would make me feel more like I've accomplished something, and I'd love to have that right now. BUT, either way, that weekend will be fun. My love and I will be camping, I'll be seeing some friends (and introducing my wonderful man to them), and just having a good time... that's the plan, anyway.

The weekend after that, I should be back here (though for how long, I've got no idea). Some friends will be in the area, so I'll likely see them, which will be nice. I'll also need to get the rest of my stuff together, finish what I need to finish, and then hopefully, moving day. Again, I'm not sure if that day will be sometime this month or next month. What I do know is that, no matter what, I've got no more than 6 weeks left here. I'm very okay with that idea. I do want to spend some time with Mom before that time ends. I'm not sure about any friends, because I don't know who'd want to get together.

I'm ready to face it all. I'm ready to get things situated. And now, I'm ready to get going on this day!

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