22 September 2010

So much for THAT job...

Well, Plan A seems to be failing miserably, so it's time to scrap it in favor of Plan B (more on that later).

Plan A was to find a temp job, save some money, sell some stuff, save some more money, then move in November after I found an awesome new job and a fabulous place. HA! Jobs of any kind here are near impossible to find these days. I've applied for countless jobs that I'm more than qualified for, had three interviews that went really well, and one offer. That one wage slave temp job I did find ended badly...

I started the job on an early Tuesday morning (exactly one week ago). Within less than two hours of starting, I was laying on the floor in a small pool of my own blood. I passed out. Passed. Out. It's never happened to me before, but there I was, on the ground, face first. I had been standing there with the trainer. She was telling me about the machine I was to be using. I started feeling a bit nauseous and hot. I was about to ask her if we could take a break so I could grab some water. Next thing I know, I'm thinking "Am I on the floor?" "Where'd everyone go?" "Seriously, how the hel DID I get down here?" The next thing I knew was pain, from my chin and my knee and my head. And there was blood. As I stood up, the people came back, telling me not to get up yet. Apparently I was ghost white and out of it. I didn't know it at the time, but I was told by those who came running. They called the ambulance and were very caring and comforting. I declined hospital treatment but did go to the doctor, because I wouldn't have been able to go back to work otherwise.

That day was spent having blood drawn, being hooked to an EEG, having a CT scan of my brain, neurological tests, a tetanus shot, and all sorts of other fun things. My brain is fine, the blood work came back normal, my heart is a champion, and I passed all of my neuro checks with flying colors. I had an extremely minor concussion, but nothing to worry about. Don't know why it happened, probably a fluke. Per all of the fancy tests, I'm fit as a fiddle, healthy as a horse, strong like bull!

I had a small bruise on my forehead and nose where they impacted with the floor, which are all but gone now. I have a good-sized gash on my chin from where that hit the floor (that was the first thing to hit, I believe). I have a bruise on each knee, which look gnarly but don't hurt too badly anymore. My right arm was sore for a while, which I think were sympathy pains for the left arm, which had the very sore tetanus shot site. I was also a bit shaken for a while, but I'm better now.

Of course, the end to this story is that once the job found out I was okay and hadn't damaged myself in the fall and I was healthy enough to return to work, they decided to fire me. I guess a temp on her face is not a good first impression. this place is known for not giving much of a damn about their employees. After all, we're just temps. There are plenty of other sad asses lining up at the door to take our places.

So, to paraphrase the tee shirt, I worked two hours at this temp job and all I got was a lousy cd of pictures of my brain and the beginning of a totally kick arse scar. Faaaan-tastic!

So I will be scrapping Plan A, which I believe is trying to kill me, and commencing Plan B! Plan B is essentially focusing on the Pittsburgh job search, getting out there by late Oct or early Nov, and maybe not having the fantastic pad right right away. I've come to the realisation that I'm not alone and that there are people who want to help me, none more than my Love. He has been my strength, my sanity, and my hope throughout this whole mess. He's been my biggest supporter, my most vocal fan, and the source of my greatest peace lately. This man loves me and actually wants me around! And there is no place I'd rather be than in his arms. I've found my love and I'm so happy.

...even when weird crap happens to me.

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