27 September 2010

Did I succeed?

I set some goals, and had some plans. And what came of those goals and plans? Small victories, my friends. I did get the cards I'm selling packed in boxes. Tomorrow, I'll go to the post office and ship them out. Hopefully, the money will arrive before I leave so I can deposit it and have some for my trip. I also finished up the fragile box that has been sitting there forever waiting to be finished. The book box is essentially done, but I didn't tape it yet because I need to check it for a book I need. I did get dressed, but didn't get to the store. Instead, I went to the overlook (which is the place I've gone for the past 15 years to think and relax). More on that later.

I'm going to set my alarm to get up early tomorrow (though going to bed soon will be a good idea in furthering that goal). Then I shall go to the store and walk around a bit, maybe even get myself some grapes as a treat. I'll go to the post office and send the box off to make money for my ex and for myself. I really want to get through more stuff in this room so that I can better organize things and not have so much to look at. The volume of stuff is overwhelming. I'm looking at almost ten years worth of a life that I need to separate. I'm looking at over 30 years worth of stuff that I need to go through. If I had a parent with a basement, or the money for a storage unit, it wouldn't be as bad, but whatever I deem unworthy of making the trip will either see the trash or someone else's house. I don't expect to get all (or even most) of it done tomorrow, but I'm hoping to continue on with the project and get some things finished, maybe another box packed.

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