25 September 2010


I'm visiting my lovely city once more before I move there. On 7 October, I'll be getting on a train for almost 9 hours. At the end of that journey, my love will be waiting for me. I'll be there for around a week, then he and I will be traveling to NY for a weekend event, then back to my soon-to-be home for a day or so, then back to the soon-to-be ex home. This should be the last time I have to say good bye to my love, and to my city, if all goes well.

I'm hoping to have at least a couple of interviews while I'm there. We shall see, though. I do intend to thoroughly enjoy my time there, and to thoroughly enjoy my love as well. This will likely be the last time I'm there as a visitor, so I want to enjoy guest status for a short time more before it's time to be a resident. I've got a TON of things to do before that day comes, including making lists of what to pack (as I will be packing for multiple events and activities), getting things organized here, packing more stuff, and generally getting off my arse and doing something.

And this is where the slacker comes in. I've not done too much of anything for the past two days. I did the laundry yesterday, but not much else. True, I've felt not well the past two days, but still, I could've gotten something done. I think I'm starting to get a bit nervous now with everything coming up so quickly. I'm worried about finding a job, too. That, and it's been hot here again, which is making me feel crummy. And of course, still being up at 3:17am is probably not going to make it much better for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'm going to make lists, try to get some more packing done, organize some stuff so I have room to put boxes, and generally get something done for pete's sake!

Which means I need to go to bed now, I think.

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