14 December 2010

A Cold December Morning

It's very cold and windy here. Looks like it's going to be for the next week or so, at least. We are slowly getting the place decorated for Christmas and it's looking good. My important ornaments should now be in the (hopefully) capable hands of the USPS and on their way to me here. His Mom gave him his old ornaments as well. Currently, there are some tomten on the tree that we made together from paper, as well as a tree topper that I made. And, of course, candy canes. It's small, it's simple, but it's absolutely beautiful because it's ours.

The next few weeks will see a lot of new things for me (again). We will be celebrating our first event as a Kindred this coming weekend, which means another trip to Ohio. On Monday, I'll be starting my new job. This will be the first time I've worked since July, as well as the first job outside of NJ, the first "real" company I've worked for in about seven years. This year will also mark the first Christmas morning that I'll not see my Mom, and the first Christmas I won't spend with her. But this is also the first of many Christmas seasons that J and I will spend together. We're starting to make the traditions and holidays that we will celebrate and observe for a very long time.

I've kind of fallen into a rut, though. The past week or so hasn't been the greatest. My body has been doing some weird things (nothing serious, just annoying) which has been throwing my mind a bit off kilter. I've got things I need to do before Friday, but I've been procrastinating. I'm being a colossal wuss about going out in that weather, though there are things I need to get (and do). Once I start working, I can't be a lazy slug anymore, so there is that.

Overall, things are going pretty well. I'm looking forward to the coming year for the first time in a very long time. I'm looking forward to the future, and every moment in the present. A rambling stream of thought for the moment. Perhaps later I'll be more coherent and fluid.

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